
 彼女はこの度、彼女の空色の絵の画集を出したいから、その推薦状を書いてほしいと頼んで来られた。彼女の絵は何時も空色をしていて他の色を使っていなかった。その画面はほんの少しの濃淡はあったが、ほとんど平坦で、よくも飽かずに空色許りを追求している人だと思って感心していた。  今日の新しい絵はひとりよがりで、傲慢でどぎつく、部屋に飾って邪魔になるような絵が多いが、宏子さんの絵は平和で静かで澄んだ表現をしているので、何時迄も部屋に飾れるような絵なのである。絶えず空色を追求する全く独創的な彼女の絵。彼女でなければ表現し得ない強靭な絵、しかも平和な美を湛えている絵に感心するのである。

デザイナー 日本民藝館館長 第11回ミラノ・トリエンナーレ金賞受賞

Celebrating the publication of Sasaki Hiroko's Collected Paintings

One day, a stranger sent me a beautiful postcard in color of sky blue. Though the name of the sender was soon forgotten, the color stayed in my mind, burning like a quiet flame. It was only later that I found out, by chance, the person who had sent me the sky blue postcard was Sasaki Hiroko. She as it turns out,is related to the architect Maekawa Kunio, whom I respect. That she is now teaching at Women's College of Fine Art is something I learned later as well.
Recently, she asked me to write a recommendation for the forthcoming publication of her collected paintings,works done in the colors of sky blue. Her Paintings have always been done in sky blue, never in any other color. Her canvases are, for the most part, flat with only a few touches of light and shade. I admire how she has been pursuing the color with such untiring zeal. Many of the contemporary paintings are rather self-satisfied, arrogant and guaudy. They can be quite distracting when hung in a room. On the contrary, Hirok's paintings are peaceful, calm, and lucid in expression. They are the kind of work which can decorate a room indefinitely. Her paintings are absolutely orginal in their continual quest for the color of sky blue. They are strong paintings,which only she could create; and, yet,I feel with a traquil beauty.

Yanagi Sori
Designer.Director of the Japan Folk Crafts Museum. Received the 11th Milano Tnennial Gold Prize

1980年 ミキモトホール個展にて
With Sori Yanagi at Mikimoto Hall in 1980