画家 文化功労者 グッケンハイム賞受賞
Though it is said that Sasaki Hiroko was inspired by Matisse and Fontana to become an artist, her work is not, in the least, concerned with imitating the grand masters Rather, she takes in the very essence of painting itself and makes it her own, creating,with her canvases, an immaculate spiritual world.
Sometime during her career, Sasaki Hiroko became fascinated by the color “blue” and has been absorbed in the search for her own, original “blue.”
Now, as she strives to go beyond the boundaries of oil painting, she often transforms her canvases into an expanse of pure blue.
In its purity, Sadsaki Hiroko's blue resembles the darkness of the seibou ink.
This is a from of Yugen(幽玄).
It is, indeed, profound.
Wakita Kazu
Artist. Distinqushed Fellow for the Advancement of Cultural Art. Received the Solomon R.Guggenheim Museum Prize

1982年 軽井沢の脇田和氏アトリエ
in Karuizawa with Wakita Kazu at kazu's studio in 1982

1985年 脇田美術館パーティー
With Wakita Kazu at Wakita Art Museum in 1995