グラフィック・デザイナー 社団法人グラフィックデザイー協会会長 第1回ワルシャワ国際ポスター・ビエンナーレ金賞受賞
Freedom of The Spirit
When looking at a blue painting by Sasaki Hiroko one is inevetably overwhelmed by a wonderful sense of calmness that wells up in the back of the mind. Could it be that the blue offers the experience of water,or perhaps the sea? Are we encoutering aquatic creatuers, our remotest ancestors? Or is the inclination to linger indefinitely, adrift in the picture,a function of having been immersed in the amniotic fluid of the maternal womb? The blue monochromatic space jolts the spitit and purifies the mind; we perceive the sweeping expance of the universe though the medium of the blue sky,and eventually the insignificance of our own existence is brought home to us. Inclined on this account roward self-pity, we nevertheless feel an urge to live to the utmost of our abilities, and at this point the viewer starts to apprehend Sasaki's mental outlook, emerging from the extreme purity and prodigality of space traced by the faint lined that quietly pervade the picture's vast blue surface.
Japan is said to have become prosperous, but huge was the loss thus sustained.The pursuit of material wealth entails apprasing everything by the yardstick of serviceabilty, the efficiency principle roughly dismissing anything that appears useless. I personally see in Sasaki's blue work a resolute determination to steer clear of such utilitarianism and to take a stand at the core of that which she herself deems precious; the wealth and depth of the mind. In practice this means that we are able to glimpse her desire to preserve the minimal energy required for the most useful aspects of the present day,and to discard a lot of herself in order to cultivate very carefully what remains, In Sasaki's painting, I feel the sublimity of nature the sky and the sea touching the purest part of man's spirit, and thereby experience the loftiness and grace of the mind. Such notions occur to me because Sasaki is cleansing herself, if I may venture to put it that way, thrrough the blue she is portraying,and in humbling herself she achieves an undeniable freedom of the spirit.
Nagai Kazumasa
Graphic Designer. President of Japan Graphic Designers Association Inc. Received Gold Prize of the First international Poster Bennal in Warsaw

1980年 ミキモトホール個展
With Nagai Kazumasa at Mikimoto Hall in 1980

With Nagai Kazumasa at OKUSAWA DOCUMENTS in 2013