Hamburger Bahnhof Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
S M B Nationalgalelerie Staatliche Museen Zu Berlin
Prof.Dr,Eugen Blume
Letter 09.10.2008
Dear Ms. Sasaki,
thank you very much for sending us your catalogues.
We have read them with great interest and will sort them into our library.
Please accept our apologies for the delay in our response.In the course of our many responsibilities it is not always possible for us to immediately acknowledge the publications we receive. However, we would be pleased to receive further information about your project in the future.
Eugen Blume
SMB Nationalgalelerie Staatliche Museen Zu Berlin
19th Sep, 2008,
Dr. Eugen Blume
National galerie Statliche Museen zu Berlin
1st July, 2008,
Dear Ms.Hiroko,
Thank you very much for sending us your interesting DVD “ Unconcious Nature and Concious Object” and the booklet of your career.
Both we considered really Interesting and we will include it in our library.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in this response.
Due to the Many responsibilities it’s not always possible for me to acknowledge the correspondence immediately.
However, we would be pleased to receive further information about your future projects.
Yours sincerely,
Dr.Eugen Blume
興味深いDVD “Unconscious Nature and Conscious Object” と経歴の冊子を送ってくださり、有難うございました。
1st July, 2008,
Dr. Eugen Blume
National galerie Statliche Museen zu Berlin

With Eugen Blume at SMB in 2010
2010年 Eugen Blume ハンブルガー・バーンホーフ現代美術館 ベルリン